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Grace Management, Inc. Wins Aspect Marketing and Advertising Award

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade—or an award-winning campaign. Grace Management, Inc., manager of nearly 60 senior living communities, transformed the challenges of COVID-19 into successful opportunities with the help of our talented team. The campaign titled “Senior Living Is Essential,” won a second-place Aging Media Network’s (AMN) Aspect Marketing and Advertising Award.

How Did We Get Here?

In 2020, COVID-19 consumed the world physically and mentally with every passing minute—and was especially challenging for older populations. The families who once got together often found themselves isolated. Their houses didn’t feel like homes—and they were scared of moving their loved one into a senior living community during a time of uncertainty. Would they be able to see their loved one? Would their loved one be safe? How would they be taken care of?

While some senior living communities halted their marketing efforts, Grace Management saw a chance to educate the senior living market and instill confidence. After gathering statistical data, medical expert advice, and resident testimonials, the campaign had the tools necessary to shine.

The Trifecta Campaign 

Since advertising is all about touchpoints, we knew one campaign wasn’t going to cut it. So, we created three over the course of May to December.

We leveraged several mediums to reach prospects, referral sources, and residents: direct mail postcards, flyers, digital display advertising, and print advertising. 

Lead generation topped pre-pandemic metrics.

The campaign not only reached the key goals—it soared over them. Average occupancy remained above target and overall occupancy held a 3% stronger pace than the industry average. Goes to show what happens when creativity meets strategy.

Phase One: A Heart-To-Heart

Phase One communicated the emotional benefits of moving to a Grace Management community: a sense of belonging, a welcoming community to call home, and a restoration of joy. The campaign also flipped common perceptions of senior living by showing just how active, and essential, life can be in a community.

Phase Two: Testimonials

Phase Two focused on resident and family testimonials to instill confidence and trust. Each community within the Grace Management portfolio secured personalized testimonials that painted an authentic picture of the benefits of senior living—even during the pandemic.

Phase Three: Vaccine

We proactively prepared the third campaign to launch as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine received Emergency Use Authorization. A portfolio-wide campaign was immediately executed, expounding on the COVID-19 vaccination as one more benefit of life at a senior living community.

So, What Does This All Mean?

Over 40 of the top providers in Home Health & Home Care, Hospice & Palliative Care, Senior Housing & Senior Living, and Skilled Nursing (SNF) applied—and Grace Management was one of three Senior Housing & Senior Living communities recognized for its COVID-19 messaging.

“Marketing and advertising have played critical roles in the aging industry during the pandemic. Messages of hope, unity, innovation and recovery shaped the outlook on the future, and the campaign submissions we received are a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration.”

George Yedinak, Executive Vice President of Aging Media Network.

Ten sales, marketing, and public relations experts analyzed the campaign for creativity, style, impact, quality, goals, and results. This award is just one more success that positions Grace Management as a top performer in senior living—and we’re happy we could help bring their vision to reality.

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