As we all open our doors to customers and employees again, Triad Advertising is here to help. From strategies for a successful re-opening, to safety supplies, Triad is your one-stop shop for compliance and creativity.
As you return to normal operations, no matter which industry you’re in, you want to focus on three core strategies:
Employee Engagement
Constant Communication
Consumer Confidence

We’re currently helping everyone from senior living providers, to hotel operators, restaurants, banks, and higher education institutions prepare for a successful summer and fall.

Employee Engagement
Focus on your employees first. Thank them for helping your business through this time, reward their patience, and their loyalty. This thank-you effort can be as simple as a handwritten note, a small gift, or a celebratory event as you welcome the team back. The key is to make it personal and powerful.
Check out our new Employee Engagement Store for some fantastic ideas for rewarding loyal employees.

In the market for new team members? Clearly define your recruitment strategy and choose your channels carefully to make the most of your recruitment budget. If COVID-19 has taught us one thing about recruitment, it’s to also develop new Onboarding materials to welcome new hires from outside your industry. That way, you can get them up to speed from day one.
Consumer Confidence
Whether you are a retailer, a university, a law firm, a financial institution, or a senior living provider – no matter what business you’re in, now is the time to instill a sense of confidence in your customers and re-earn their trust.
You can achieve this by:
– Clearly displayed safety measures
– Frequent and honest communications
– Celebratory “welcome back” and “grand re-opening” events
– Easy-to-follow, branded wayfinding solutions – floor, wall, and hallway directional signage
– A branded consumer commitment, detailing not just safety measures related to COVID-19, but also reassuring consumers of your financial stability and commitment to their success.

Constant Communication
As we noted in our recent blog post, now is the time to be seen and heard. To ensure you have a strong marketing and social media presence. You also want to communicate one on one – via email and direct mail.
Rework your marketing mix to be nimble and adjust for the changing media consumption habits of your target consumers.
Clean your lists – Take this opportunity to dive into all of your leads to determine who is still a hot, cold, or warm lead – then design campaigns speaking to each audience. Now, more than ever, you want to hone in on those most likely to convert to customers.
Reward Loyalty – Just as you are thanking your employees for their loyalty during COVID-19, thank and reward all of the customers, guests, students who have stood by you, rolled with the punches, and been loyal to your brand and company. This again can be as simple as a note – or better yet – an unexpected gift in the mail.
Get Creative – Develop new marketing and brand campaigns that represent your current areas of focus. Is there a new target you have been wanting to reach out to? A new geography you’ve yet to explore? New messaging you’ve yet to test that you think will resonate in today’s market? Think of strategies leading to both short-term gains, and long-term stability. A discount or special promotion has its merits and uses – but what else can you do, besides discounting your product?

We’re here to help. Talk to us and we’ll set you up for reopening success.