Triad Advertising awarded Top Honors at NESHCo Gala

Last night, we had the honor of gathering with the brightest minds in New England healthcare marketing, at the NESHCo annual Lamplighter Awards Gala at the Omni Hotel in Providence. Hosted by the New England Society for Healthcare Communications, the gala welcomes agencies and healthcare organizations to toast to the winners, recognized as “achieving the highest professional standards in healthcare communications.”
Triad Advertising went 2 for 2, earning 2 Gold Awards – one in each category in which we entered. This honor recognizes InfoSource, a quarterly publication we produce with our client, Berkshire Healthcare Systems.

Director of Service Marketing, Berkshire Healthcare
Winning entries must demonstrate creative merit and results. The rigorous entry process includes a detailed Challenge Statement highlighting goals achieved. In our case, we were proud to help our friends at Berkshire Healthcare change the perception of skilled nursing facilities by sharing stories of active, vibrant residents.
Yes, people receive care for life-limiting conditions. But they also turn 100. They get married. They dance. They teach the next generation what they know. They visit with goats. They wear silly hats. They get as excited as their grandkids to see Santa on Christmas. They discover a new family – at a time when many have no family left.

InfoSource, Berkshire Healthcare’s quarterly newsletter, has evolved over the 5 years the publication has been produced by Triad Advertising. In 2018, Berkshire Healthcare and Triad Advertising produced three of the most effective, engaging, results-garnering issues of the newsletter to-date. We grew affiliate participation, web visits, and employee awareness of company offerings. Most of all, we shared the incredible work our client does every day. Congratulations to our team and the Berkshire Healthcare team!

to its collection of industry awards and accolades.
About Berkshire Healthcare
Berkshire Healthcare is a leading not-for-profit provider of post-acute care, long-term healthcare, and senior housing. Berkshire Healthcare owns or operates 14 rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities in Massachusetts; Linda Manor Assisted Living, a traditional assisted living and specialized memory care community in Leeds, Mass.; Day Brook Village Senior Living (formerly Loomis House), a continuing care retirement community in Holyoke, Mass.; Kimball Farms, a life care, continuing care retirement community in Lenox, Mass.; and two hospice providers, HospiceCare in The Berkshires and Hospice of Franklin County, for those with life-limiting illnesses. Learn more at
Learn more about NESHCo and join us next year in Portland, Maine!